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Thursday, August 09, 2007

In the continuing reflections from pilgrimage, I am borrowing a couple of my daughters' pictures. This was taken by our second daughter while walking on Ben Gurion Avenue. I like it.

It's been a good day. This morning's bike ride brought glimpses of bird life, including a tiny yellow one which likes my sunflowers, and a hummingbird! Then when I went for my swim, I was the only one in the pool for much of the time and was able to spend forty luxurious minutes just backstroke and crawl, backstroke and crawl to my heart's content. It's very meditative when done like that...

Now daughter-number-one wants to go and see a chick flick. Sometimes I wonder what will ever happen if I get a 'real' job. In the meantime, I have a new book available, and three more coming along nicely.

I am very thankful to my Lord.