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Friday, August 11, 2006

Something sweet this way comes....I am learning to bake with stevia. This will give my Dad more selection, when my parents come to stay for the winter, and also provides a sweet that I am willing to try on my sugar-free regime. For any of you wanting to get thinner, this works: no white sugar, no white flour, no white rice, 1 hour per day of aerobic exercise, and 2 or more tbsp. of apple cider vinegar per day. You get used to life without sugar and flour, and learn to cook creatively. It's a good time to try it during fruit season: we have been enjoying cherries, melons, nectarines and peaches in abundance.

We have enjoyed visits, too; another sweetness. My sister Andrea came over yesterday with granddaughter Mary Jane. I realized I had little in the house to entertain a four-year old, until I pulled out my art supplies. Then Mary Jane very happily made many, many pictures with sparkly glue. Mitchell hung out and visited with us, and of course Andrea and I wandered through the garden for quite a while. There are so many sunflowers...and we are starting to enjoy fresh tomatoes from the garden.

Our family friend Elizabeth Asbury was here for a couple of evenings, and she and I went to see the movie "World Trade Center", which we liked. It's not too overly American rah-rah patriotic, there is very competent acting, and it brings the events of that time truly close to heart. Again. But not in a maudlin or overly sentimentalized way. It's worth watching.

Then today my daughter and I took in the new Woody Allen movie with the very attractive Hugh Jackman and Scarlett Johannsen. It's called "Scoop." It has some very witty writing and lovely, plush English settings...and a weak ending. 3 stars on a 5 scale.

Have a wonderful weekend.