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Friday, October 06, 2006

Yesterday, my fiftieth birthday, was a grand day. I spent the morning baking for a party here tonight and am feeling well prepared to host several friends coming for my book launch. Then, around noon, my books arrived. What an indescribable feeling to first hold a book you have written, published, in your hands. Mom, Dad, Bernie and I eagerly perused it a little and agreed it was a lovely thing. Then Dad and I went to do errands, including looking at digital cameras. Mom and Dad bought me one for my birthday. Then they took us for dinner downtown. In between the day was interspersed with gifts, greetings, phone calls, and general pleasures. My love brought me white roses and to my hilarity, a season of CSI on DVD...we are both addicted, and getting tired of reruns.

Tonight a gathering in which I will give out copies of Partners in Spirit: What Couples Say About Marriages That Work. I will do so with so much gratitude! I also bought envelopes to prepare the copies for mailing to people around the world...and last night Mom and I worked away, I inscribing and addressing, as she put the books into the envelopes and sealed them. There are more to be done but we got a good stack prepared.

I have so much to be grateful for.