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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The internet continues to amaze me...

I have been checking to see if, when a person googles my name, they will come up with this blog. Once, yes. The rest of the time, no. More likely they will find my poetry connection, www.heatherpoet.blogspot.com, which I have called WomanWyrds.

What I do find is that my book, Partners in Spirit: What Couples Say About Marriages That Work, which is coming from Baha'i Publishing (Chicago) this October, is being advertised not only by Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Allbooks, but is also being advertised in German and Japanese. This is before the book is even out: I will receive my own first copies at the end of September, and apparently the book itself will be generally available at the end of October. Right now the various companies are accepting pre-orders.

A friend wrote me today and said that people need to know more about this book in order to determine whether they want to pre-order it. What I can tell you is this: I began writing this book a long time ago, because I was a little disheartened by all the stories of divorce that are out there. I began to think that if I were considering getting married in this day and age, I would be discouraged. People need models of success, not of the times when despite all their best wishes, they are not successful at an endeavour. So I decided to ask people about their marriages. I asked a lot of people: in the end, there were over forty couples and individuals from around the world who answered my questions. It is their stories that make up this book, and the book is easy to read and I think, heartening to people who still believe in marriage, and especially for those who invite spirituality into their lives. So I hope that helps for anyone who wants a full description or abstract.

If you do decide to order it and read it, I hope you enjoy it.