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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Our time has been full, along with hearts and bellies. We have had visitors galore; this morning, waffles for over twenty guests followed by a dynamic talk given by Louise Profeit-LeBlanc on the connection between story and spirit. Guests included four of the Doran clan here from Saskatoon, and cousin Jack McLean, who hadn't seen Andrea and Steve in a very long time, or ever met Mitchell and Mary Jane. Amongst the guests were our Colombian friend Luis Eduardo' a beautiful woman who is, I think, from Zimbabwe; and a couple of First Nations friends, as well as many different faith backgrounds...

then this afternoon Andrea, Mitchell, Mary Jane, my children, cousin Audrey, and Jesse's girlfriend Erica piled into two vehicles and drove for a swim to Meech Lake.

We got home at around five and made a big dinner barbecue, joined by neighbours Bob and France, and sisters-in-law Genny and Joanne, as well as cousin Barry.

All our relations!

All our many blessings!

Tonight, however, let me encourage you to follow the link to the Stephen Lewis foundation. Our entire Ottawa Citizen today is guest edited by the amazing Mr. Lewis, and includes articles and pictures from an astonishing number of sources, including a feature on the Wakefield Grannies and their partnership project with African grandmothers. Marilee Rhody, a dear Baha'i friend, is one of the participants. See her smiling face on pages B2 and B3. It may take me a while to get through the entire paper, but it is a truly amazing edition.

All our many blessings!

All our relations!