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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Here are my friends, David and Belinda, at our Friday night gathering to celebrate the publication of my book, Partners in Spirit: What Couples Say About Marriages That Work. They were amongst those who contributed the amazing story of their marriage, in the book. The launch was, as I said in my last post, a wonderful event, and one of the many gifts of the day was that my dad and mom gave me a digital camera for my birthday. I am now learning how to use it, as well as how to fiddle with the iPhoto program...and this is the first result.

This morning Dad gave a wonderful fireside, with three guests in attendance, and after our waffles, we sat out on the deck because the weather was perfect. I am going to try and synthesize my notes and share some of his comments with you, but will have to wait for tomorrow during down time from other events as time is a little short at the moment, and I need to prepare my thinking. A good time will be while I prepare our traditional turkey dinner.

This week my family and I are looking forward to the visit of someone we have not seen in over twenty years. Regan tells me that his sister Wendy has been looking at the blog, as have some of the other members of the family, and I am very touched that he is making the effort to share with them some of our family news. Without going into too much detail, this will be a time to reconnect with someone who was once very close, and who loved my mother, as well as my father, as wise mentors. I am glad that his current visit to Canada (he normally lives in Peru but is on holiday) is offering an occasion for him to come and see us at a time when Mom and Dad are with us. I am also very appreciative because he is one of those who went out of his way to assist in the development of my second book, now accepted for publication.

I have decided on the theme for my next book, too, and have begun the process of reflection, writing and inquiry which accompanies any work. I am sure I will speak more of it here as time goes by, so will leave you with these thoughts and with wishes, from Gatineau, Canada, for an absolutely heart-filled Thanksgiving weekend.