At the left, you see my friend Linda. We first met when I began working, in September 2000, at Hadley Junior High School in what was then Hull. Now the city has become amalgamated with Gatineau and the school has moved to a building shared with the place I went to high school, Philemon Wright. Linda is still teaching there and has also become a dear friend. She joined us for the farewell dinner with Mom and Dad, as did my daughter's boyfriend Jal, pictured at right. Jal had gone to both Hadley and Philemon Wright (which is where he and my daughter met each other), and thus knew Linda and me before he met his girlfriend! Funny how things work out.
Both of these people know the value of loyalty...and joy...and so many wonderful qualities that it's hard to list them all, especially 'publicly'...but I want to say that they are also both possessed of a characteristic that always means something to me when I encounter it in someone: a kind of quiet, gentle sweetness. They are humble, not loud about their accomplishments or interests, but loving participants in our lives. I am thankful for Linda and Jal in our lives, and just wanted to say so today, as we enter...another fine day.
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