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Thursday, October 19, 2006

During my friend Kim's visit, we took the opportunity for a slightly belated drive to Champlain Lookout, and it is a picture of this event which I share with you this evening. Isn't our valley lovely in the autumn mist? A fine rain...and a wonderful view over the river, looking southwest from the Gatineau hills.

After Kim's departure, we had a quiet day before Dad, Mom, Bernie and I went to Wakefield for our weekly Ruhi 4 session. Today, Dad and I ran around doing errands, and in the evening, Dad, my eldest daughter and I went north, while Bernie and Mom went to a Gatineau celebration.

The Birth of the Bab, October 20, is a Holy Day for Baha'is around the world. This evening, we attended an event celebrating the day in nearby Chelsea, Québec at the home of friends whose hospitality was, as usual, open and lovely. We had a fine potluck dinner, met many new friends, saw a few old ones, enjoyed the remarkable musical talents of James Farr, and had a short series of readings in celebration of the special event for which we have gathered. I got one photograph of a new friend, Jenny, deeply ensconced in reading my book. That was nice for me to see.

Tomorrow Dad and I are off to Carleton University to hear my cousin Jack McLean give a scholarly talk on his research about Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of our faith, about whom Jack has recently written a book which will come out from George Ronald press in England, although I'm not sure exactly when. My second book will also be published by this press, and I am truly delighted to have a chance to join Jack as an author published by this prestigious group. Perhaps I shall write about what I hear tomorrow...but I feel less inclined to note-taking these days, just enjoying narratives, and the stories in pictures.