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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Here are Kim and Diana, in full after dinner laughter! I always enjoy Kim's visits, and having the opportunity to get to know her other good friends in our region, this time, was a bonus. Let me give a shout out to Diana's husband's website: you can find all kinds of cool ruminations there, including literary reviews I tend to agree with (although I am a complete Kingsolver groupie). Check out Jay Howden's site.

Devotionals...I think they are about my favourite activity. This morning my mother and father, our visiting friend Elizabeth Asbury from St. Jerome, and I went to a session of prayers and a luncheon at the home of our friend Deirdre. Several youth were also in attendance, and her son Eric performed some music of his own composition, some pretty rousing Baha'i gospel songs. Keep an ear out for this young man...Eric Farr...who will undoubtedly end up singing and sharing his talent in a number of venues after he completes his studies at McGill. His brother, James, also plays a mean guitar.

Everyone at the devotional event remembered people who were much in their hearts, and then a reading of the Fire Tablet was done by Sam and Chloe. For those of you unfamiliar with this wonderful prayer of Baha'u'llah's, check out my comments from a month ago when I reprinted it in its entirety after another session at Deirdre's.

A good week, despite the occasional threat of snow. Dad and I are trying to get the garden cleared from summer and the spring bulbs in. We are almost finished but the weather has not been cooperating, so hopefully tomorrow will find me able to finish preparing bulbs for winter and Dad planting the last of the tulips and daffodils under the maple tree out front. I have to be disciplined when I go to the nursery, but this week could not resist buying some lilies that are red flame with yellow centres. I am already looking forward to spring, and seeing them come up...why can't we just skip winter? Ah, I told Bernie I was going to try to change my thinking...and learn to appreciate what winter has to offer, and so I will try. I will try. I will try. I just got out of our hot tub, and will now build a fire again in our lovely brick fireplace. Tea, anyone?